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Our mission is to empower science teachers to advocate for excellence in science teaching and learning.

Overseas Teaching Positions

14 Oct 2019 8:52 AM | Deleted user

Hi there,

I’m Emma from Point to Point Education. We help teachers find teaching positions in Asia and the UK! I taught in England for a year and had the best experience, professionally and personally! I have full-time teaching contracts available for 2020 and skype interviews are happening now. We work for free for teachers, so if you’re wanting some more information just email me your phone number and I can give you a quick call to have a chat about the jobs/locations/schools/interviews and how it all works. I can also skype with you if you would prefer.    

You can see a first hand account of what it’s like teaching overseas…check out Sally’s video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JykKdEFKj2E&t=3s.

Kind regards,

Emma Liddell


  • 14 Nov 2019 11:20 PM | Richard Frazier
    I've taught science in Sierra Leone, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and now India. I'm originally from a small town in Southeast Missouri. I was on the faculty at UCM Warrensburg 1999-2010 and served on the STOM board for some of those years. I'd be happy to take any questions from teachers wondering about overseas teaching. We've signed on for another year (2020-2021) at the American Embassy School--New Delhi.
    Richard <richard_frazier@hotmail.com>
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