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Our mission is to empower science teachers to advocate for excellence in science teaching and learning.

January 2022

07 Feb 2022 8:59 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

via STOM Legislative Liaison, Brian Crouse

The 101st Missouri Legislative Session began on January 5, 2022. Bills filed to this point in time mainly focus on Critical Race Theory, Mask Mandates, Workforce Development and other non-Science related themes. At this point in time, a reintroduced House and Senate bill expanding previous legislation on computer science in the state of Missouri has been introduced in both Chambers. As the session builds momentum, look to more bills that will be introduced in both the House and the Senate that may be of interest to members of STOM. Please find below details and links to the Computer Science Legislation.

HB 2202 Computer Science Courses – Rep. Travis Fitzwater - Companion Bill in Senate – SB 659 by Sen. Cierpiot. This bill modifies existing computer science education statue, by requiring a stand-alone computer science course to be taught at any level, but allows for embedding computer science content within another subject area at the elementary and middle grade levels. Additionally, the bill allows for the successful completion of a High School computer science course to be counted toward state graduation requirements as the equivalent of either one science credit or one practical arts credit; which will satisfy any admissions requirements to any public institution of higher education in Missouri.

The bill also establishes a Computer Science Supervisor at the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to oversee the implementation of computer science coursework in the state. The bill has been referred to the House Committee on Workforce Development.

Science Teachers of Missouri 2024

Science Teachers of Missouri is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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